Fish Scientiae is a journal containing articles on Fishing Technology, Technology Aquaculture, Technology General of Fisheries, Water Resources Management, Agribusiness Fisheries, Marine Sciences, Biology Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology. The writings can be published in this journal can be shaped dissertations, theses, research reports, scientific papers and book.
- Journal Title: Fish Scientiae (Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan)
- Nation: Indonesia
- Publisher:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Lambung Mangkurat University-South Kalimantan
- Frequency: 2 issues per year, June and December
- DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.20527
- ISSN (online) : 2541-1187
- ISSN (print) : 1693-3710
- OAI Adress :http://fishscientiae.ulm.ac.id/index.php/fs/oai
- Open Acces: Yes
- Journal Type :Scholarly Journal
- Contact and Submission : [email protected]
Current Issue
Vol 14 No 1 (2024): Edisi Juni 2024, Vol. 14(1),2024